A wag once said that writing well means never having to say, “I guess you had to be there.” Good writing is all about telling a story well, and telling it in a way that not only informs the reader, but compels them to action. At C2 we know there’s only one way to become a good writer, and that’s to write. We work with our students to help them build their confidence and find their own literary voice.
Here’s what we offer our students at different grade levels:
High School. C2 helps our students thoughtfully express their opinions in writing. Through text analysis, logically thinking through arguments and careful organization, C2 ensures that students become clear and concise writers.
Middle School. Writing is an invaluable communication skill necessary for many of your child’s courses. C2 offers writing programs that explain the process of crafting and polishing an effective essay. Students learn to brainstorm and outline ideas, develop thesis statements and supporting paragraphs and finally revise and edit their work.
Elementary School. C2 improves your child’s writing through rigorous exercises in penmanship, spelling, grammar, and composition. Once your child has grasped the mechanics of writing, he or she will start writing stronger sentences, which are the cornerstone for constructing well-developed paragraphs.
And since it’s important for good writers to be good readers, we also offer our students the opportunity to participate in the C2 Book Club.